Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get a flu shot?
I received a flu shot last year. Do I need to get a flu shot this year?
After I receive a flu shot, how long does it take for my body to be protected from the flu?
Can I get the flu from the flu shot?
Is FluMist available?
Can I receive a pneumonia shot at the same time as the flu shot?
When should I receive my flu and pneumonia shot?
Can I get the flu shot if I am not feeling well?
How do I know if I have the Flu or Covid?

Where can I get a flu shot?

The Shot Nurse will come to your company, business or organization for a group of 10 or more. We also have three convenient office locations:

  • 714 N Germantown Parkway, Cordova
  • 4637 Poplar, Memphis
  • 7596 W Farmington Blvd, Germantown
No appt needed for groups or individuals in the office.
For more information or to arrange for on-site flu shots for your Employees, just email or call to set a time most convenient for you!
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I received a flu shot last year. Do I need to get a flu shot this year?

Yes. Due to antigenic drifts in the flu virus, most years at least one of the influenza virus subtypes changes. Because of these changes, the vaccine you received last year will offer little protection against the flu strain that is circulating this year. The World Health Organization along with other worldwide surveillance centers, monitor the flu virus and track what viruses are circulating around the world. Based on data from previous years and on predictions on the strains that will predominate in the coming year, a new vaccine is formulated every year.
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After I receive a flu shot, how long does it take for my body to be protected from the flu?

Generally protection against influenza(flu) develops about 2 weeks after getting the shot.
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Can I get the flu from the flu shot?

No. The influenza vaccine itself is an inactivated vaccine with no living components and therefore cannot cause disease with the influenza virus. Many people call any illness with fever and cold symptoms "the flu". They may expect influenza vaccine to prevent these illnesses. The influenza vaccine is effective only against illness caused by influenza viruses, and not against other illness.
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Is FluMist available?

FluMist Quadrivalent is available for ages 2-49. FluMist is a safe and effective live nasal vaccine not requiring an injection.
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Can I receive a pneumonia shot at the same time as the flu shot?

Yes. If you are are at risk for pneumonia (see flu and pneumonia information) and have not already received a pneumonia shot, you can and should get your flu shot the same day as your pneumonia shot. You need a flu shot every year while your pneumonia shot is generally good for a lifetime.
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When should I receive my flu and pneumonia shot?

Flu vaccine is usually available October to March. People who are at high risk of complications (death) due to influenza are encouraged to receive their flu shot as soon as it's available. Vaccine is most effective when it is received 2-4 months before exposure to influenza. Pneumonia shots are available all year round and you can receive them any time of year.
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Can I get the flu shot if I am not feeling well?

If you have a minor illness or a slight fever it is not a reason to skip your flu shot. However, if you have a high fever, you should put off your flu shot until your fever comes down. If you are taking antibiotics you can still receive your flu shot.
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How do I know if I have the Flu or Covid?

You cannot tell the difference between flu and COVID-19 by the symptoms alone because they have some of the same signs and symptoms. Specific testing is needed to tell what the illness is and to confirm a diagnosis. Having a medical professional administer a specific test that detects both flu and COVID-19 allows you to get diagnosed and treated for the specific virus you have more quickly. Getting treated early for COVID-19 and flu can reduce your risk of getting very sick. Testing can also reveal if someone has both flu and COVID-19 at the same time, although this is uncommon. People with flu and COVID-19 at the same time can have more severe disease than people with either flu or COVID-19 alone.
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For more information, go to Services and view each vaccine.

Announcements: 2/10/25

Flu and Covid Vaccines are available at all locations

Most vaccinations are FREE with insurance coverage.

Burn Fat. . . Get Energized with our weekly LIPO SHOT!.


We NOW offer bi-weekly (every 14 days) injections of VITAMIN B12. The cost is $25
per shot with every 5th SHOT FREE!

Tri Immune Booster shots are available now!

Packed with Vitamin C, Zinc and Glutathione