What We Offer
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends several vaccinations for all Americans. Their studies show that only 25% of all Americans are properly vaccinated from the fourteen communicable diseases for which we have vaccines. Our immunization program offers a service for individuals and companies to determine which immunizations they need and to obtain them in a very convenient setting. Whether it is for work, school, travel or everyday living, we can provide you with the immunizations you need to stay healthy! Click on the items to the right for details of each service.
We have three convenient locations with front door parking, no appointment necessary and no waiting.

Insurance accepted for Vaccinations
The nurse can come to you!
For a groups of ten or more, a registered nurse will visit your office, church, school, or other facility to administer the vaccinations or services you choose. Link to our group appointment page here.
Vitamin B12 Shots
Our Vitamin B12 service offers monthly injections of Vitamin B12 at the work site or at one of our offices . The cost is $25 per shot with every 5th shot free! A minimum of ten people are required for an on-site monthly appointment. Vitamin B12 is an essential B vitamin needed to form red blood cells and for proper brain and spinal cord function. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin not easily absorbed by the stomach or intestinal tract so an injectable form of the vitamin was developed. Click here for details of about monthly vitamin B12 shots.
Lipotropic Shots MIC-B12
We offer weekly lipotropic injections of MIC-B12 at the work site or at one of our three offices . The cost is $30 per shot with every 5th shot free! A minimum of ten people are required for an on-site appointment. Lipo shots are a formula of essential vitamin B12, vitamin B6, Methionine, Inositol & Choline combined to mobilize & burn fat. Lipo Shots are used in conjunction with a diet and exercise program to reach your weight loss goal. Click here for details of about weekly Lipotropic shots of MIC-B12.
TB Skin Testing
There are two tests that can be used to help detect TB infection. The Mantoux TB skin test is performed by injecting a small amount of fluid (called PPD tuberculin) into the skin in the lower part of the arm. If you get the TB skin test, you have to return within 48 to 72 hours to have a trained health care worker look for a reaction (bump) on your arm. A second test is the newly approved QuantiFERON(r)-TB Gold test. The QuantiFERON(r)-TB Gold test is a blood test that measures how your immune system reacts to the germ that causes TB. You do not have to return to get the results of the QuantiFERON(r)-TB Gold test.
Click here to learn the reasons for testing and how it is interpreted.
Drug Scan 10
Drug Screening is available to employers and individuals with instant results. Our Drug Scan 10 detects ten classes of drugs instantly with lab verification available to confirm any positive test. Visit our Drug Scan 10 Page for more details.
Vaccinations Available